-An evening function with no dinner, plan on at least 10 – 15 pieces per guest. Round up particularly if it’s going to be served buffet style, as guests tend to eat more than if a tray is passed.
-Pre-dinner appetizers, plan on 3 -5 pieces per person, and choose lighter food options.
-Mid day function with a meal following, offer 1-3 pieces per guest.
-Plan on about 3 beverages per person, with coffee drinkers consuming on average one cup for every 1.5 hours.
-People usually drink 2 beverages on average-Juice Coffee, Tea etc.
-Plan on a main entrée (about 4-5 ounces) per person, along with two sides, including bread. Fruit makes a good breakfast dessert, estimate about 3-5 pieces of cut fruit per person, or one cup or less of fruit salad.
-If you are serving pastries allow 1-2 per guest.
-For Hors D’Oeuvres plan on 2-4 per person.
-Offer a main entrée (about 5 ounces) with 2-3 sides, including a starch & dessert.
-Offer a selection of drinks, including pop, beer, lemon water, etc.
-If you are having sandwiches allow 1-2 per person.
-Have 3-5 Hors D’Oeurves per person, depending on the number of courses.
-Plan on a main entrée (5-7 ounces) and 2-3 sides, either a type of vegetable, beans, pasta etc.
-Offer small portions of bread, salad, or soup.
-Always have water along with other beverages.
-Plan on 1-3 servings per person.
-Offer one slice of cake, tart or pastry, or 4 ounces of a creamy dessert, ie. Mousse.
-if you have a large variety offer smaller portions.
-Coffee/Tea consumption peaks after dessert is served.
-Know the number of guests attending.
-The time length of the event. The longer guests remain the more they consume.
-The type of event.
-The type of food you plan to serve.
It may seem strange, but over time people get hungry and thirsty over and over again. When estimating, always round up to be on the safe side. Some will eat more, others less. It will all balance out in the end.